Privacy policy

At Quantium, we take our obligations regarding privacy laws seriously and manage them with the utmost care. Our Privacy Policy details how we work with our clients and handle our clients’ data. It also outlines the way in which we collect, hold and use personal information in the course of our business operations.

It is important to note:

  1. Quantium holds itself to a very high standard of privacy compliance.
  2. Quantium’s core business involves performing analytics on client data sets where the data is de-identified by the client, meaning Quantium cannot identify any individual in the data set.
  3. Quantium does not sell any personal information to third parties.
  4. In rare instances where Quantium does handle personal information on behalf of clients, it does so in accordance with strict protocols and safeguards.
  5. In respect of our business operations (e.g. handling of employee personal information), Quantium only uses personal information for the purpose it was provided to us or otherwise with consent or as required by law.

If you have any questions regarding the Privacy Policy or how Quantium handles data, we invite you to contact our Privacy Officer at

View the Quantium Privacy policy

This Policy is current from May 2024.